Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Blog Entry 3.8- Target Consumer (B)

My poster will be targeting families. That way, we may get more tourists than just inviting just couples. There are a lot of things that the family can do while they are in Antigua. They can visit English harbor which is a place where you can admire the scenery of many different yachts. The whole family can also play on a nice golf course. When they are tired, they can all relax at the sandals resort hotel.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Blog Entry 3.7- Target Consumer (B)


  Other attractions:


Blog Entry 3.6- Country Research (A)

  1. Name of Country: Antigua & Barbuda
  2. Web Addresses of all Sources (copy and paste)
  3. Basic Facts
    1. Capital City: St. Johns
    2. Population: 82,000
    3. Monetary Unit/Currency:  1 U.S = 2.700 EC
    4. Official Language(s): English &  Antigua patois
  4. Current Leader
                                                     Queen Elizabeth ll

  1. Flag:
  2. map:

Saturday, February 5, 2011

BLOG ENTRY # 3.4- Process Journal 1 (C)

  1. Search up information on the country regarding tourists attractions. (5-10 min)
  2. Find photos on that place that would make people want to visit. (2-5 min)
  3. Apply the information along with the photo on the poster as a final product. (6-8 min) 

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Blog Entry # 3.2- Dream Destination (A)

The city/country i would like to visit the most is Japan (countryside). The reason why is to experience living there. I want to see things that can only be seen in Japan such as cherry blossoms, and the unique shapes and the interior of those houses.such as the one shown on the top of the screen.

Blog Entry # 3.1- Design Task (A)

I have been asked to make a poster on a country I have chosen. The country I have chosen is Antigua. I have to create a poster that will attract people to it.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

blog Entry #2.19- Greeting Card Reject 2 (B,D)

1) This card is targeting people from ages 7+.

2) This may be appealing to this consumer because of the animation features along with the letters. The letters are probably funny looking and weird which is what children of that age have a liking for.

3) The design for the consumer could be improved a little. It could appeal to the customer more. The card could probably have a funny picture on the inside left, cover. Also, the back of the card could have a maze or something of the sort. Like any business, I would not want the consumer to stop buying my products so I would add something that would make the consumers keep o purchasing this product for tomes to come.

blog Entry #2.18- Greeting Card Reject 2 (B,D)

1) The consumer target from ti card are people from the ages 14+.

2) The fact that it is a real photo on the card, I believe that it will appeal to the consumer it is targeting. People from the ages 14 and up begin to acquire a disliking towards things that are make- believe or fake.

3)  There were also no changes to this card . That is because this was my plan right from the start.

Blog Entry #2.17- Greeting Card Reject (B,D)

1) This card is contributed to the age group from 7+.

2) This card could be somehow appealing to tat specific consumer because of the features of the picture. The picture has a lot of colors, and Mainly because it is a cartoon. The letters can also appeal to the consumer. The letters look like bubble letters written in some books read by this age group.

3) The greeting card along with my sketch is the same . I did not make any changes in the making of the final product.