1. What is the name of the holiday?
Answer:The name of my holiday is called three kings day.
2. When will the holiday be celebrated in 2011?
Answer:My holiday is celebrated January 26th. Twelve days after christmas
3. Who celebrates this holiday? (Countries, religious groups, ethnic groups)
Answer: Mainly Mexicans celebrate this holiday.
4. Why is this holiday celebrated? What is the significance of this holiday?
Answer: This holiday is meant to celebrate the three wise men visiting jesus.
5. How is this holiday celebrated? Include any rituals, food, costumes, dance or music associated with this holiday.
6. What websites were used in answering these questions? (Copy and paste the web addresses of each website.)
Answer: http://www.ehow.com/how_2106858_celebrate-three-kings-day-mexico.htmlhttp://www.calendar-updates.com/info/holidays/us/threekings.aspx
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